Category Safety

Defensive Riding 101: Risk Avoidance

You could call this defensive riding 101 if you like. We will be discussing the absolute basics of ride management. Proper gear, practice and good techniques are required to keep safe on the road. But nothing works better then “Risk…

Motorcycle Safety Tips

One important motorcycle safety technique taught by riding instructors is the “life-saver.” Every time the motorcyclist makes a turn or switches lane, he should first check mirrors and then glance over his shoulder before committing. When turning right, this ensures…

Do Airbag Jackets Add Safety to Motorcycling?

The air-bag motorcycle jacket sometimes appears on lists of ‘dumb inventions’. It’s unclear whether the pundits who make these lists consider the device too stupid to bother inventing, or whether they recognize its existence but consider it not worth the…

Understanding Motorcyclists and How They Ride

Sometimes it is difficult for those who do not ride motorcycles to understand what it is like to be a motorcyclist. Attitudes and issues vary, but non-riders may find some food for thought once they try to walk a few miles in…