Best Dirt Bikes for Kids from 5 to 13 Year Olds in 2021

The topic of dirt bike riding can be a bit sensitive to parents whose kids have just sparked an interest in the sport. With all the concerns you might have about safety, it is naturally okay to be nervous and think twice about letting kids get on dirt bikes. But some kids just have an insatiable liking of always being active as if they were born with a natural adrenaline.

Maybe the blame is on you. Kids are intelligent and they tend to pick a lot from what they see around them. It’s possible that they saw you watching sports on TV and took an interest into bikes. Or they like how the cool neighbor looks like when they ride past your house in their bike.

Whatever influenced them to ask for a dirt bike, we can all agree that kids need a break sometimes. Letting them occupy their time with a dirt bike isn’t such a bad idea anyway. For the most part, hobbies make life better and it could help nurture their development as they grow into adulthood.

Things to Consider When Getting a Gas Dirt Bike for Your Kid

If you’re planning on buying your kid a dirt bike, one has to take it will all seriousness. It involves more than just reading a book or relying on what the latest magazine issue is recommending you to buy.

A good dirt bike for kids should be a reliable and durable machine that doesn’t put too much pressure on the child’s bodily capabilities. The best beginner dirt bike must be easy to operate and offer a variety of safety features that help keep their child protected from injury during falls and collisions.

Even as you budget for the dirt bike, one has to put a lot of consideration in their kids’ abilities and preference. Here are some of the critical factors to consider when buying a dirt bike for your kid:

1. Age

Dirt bike riding may seem like an extreme sport. This is especially the case when little kids take an interest and we get all apprehensive about it. When it comes to acquainting your kid to the dirt bike riding world, there is no strict legal age limit for that. It all comes down to making a conscious decision and deciding if your kid is mature enough to handle off-road dirt biking.

When it comes to choosing the right dirt bike for your kids, the age groups to look out for are:

  • 5-7
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14

If you have kids aged 4 years and below, the best way to start them on this journey can be through electric dirt bikes or low engine-powered dirt bikes. That way, you don’t have to worry a lot about speed and other safety concerns. These kinds of bikes are more child-friendly because bikes of other age groups may simply not suit kids who are 4 years and below.

Age is a critical factor when it comes to purchasing a dirt bike for your child. The fundamental difference between dirt bikes is found in their power. Machines recommended for 3-year olds are less powerful compared to one suited for a 9-year old. Starting at 50 – 250cc, child-friendly bikes do not have to be more powerful beyond this range. It takes time for kids to progress and take on bigger bikes with over 250ccs of power.

Dirt biking riding in itself is meant to nurture discipline, grow one’s maturity, learn how to be punctual, set goals and how to deal with disappointments. Unlike other sports that are focused on team abilities, dirt bike riding focuses more on an individual’s growth.

2. Height

Height is another vital factor when it comes to choosing your kid’s dirt bike. To put it simply, you have to put the bike’s height and the rider’s height into consideration. A bike’s height will influence how comfortable or fulfilling the ride will be. Keeping in mind that kids are small, you have to be on the lookout for a dirt bike that matches with their body length or height. In this case, make use of the dirt bike chart height of the bike you want to purchase because different brands of bikes have different specifications for this.

Ideally, choose a bike that is neither too high nor too low and it should also not be longer or shorter compared to your kid. When you’re going out there to make the purchase, you can have a good idea of what suits your kid by letting him/her sit on the variety of bikes.

A lot of parents tend to go for shorter bikes. Even though these are just kids, it does not necessarily mean they are always comfortable with small things. If anything, shorter dirt bikes can injure kids or cause them to start developing muscle problems.

One thing that you always have to consider is that your kid should always be able to place their feet on the ground and not feel too cramped while sitting on their dirt bike. Try measuring the leg height first and determine how high the bike’s seat will be. If you think your kid is growing too fast and want to get them a dirt bike that they can quickly grow into, find them one that will be more long-lasting.

3. Engine Size

The power capacity that a kid’s dirt bike delivers to the wheels is dependent on the engine CC. CC (Cubic Centimeters) is a term used to describe the metric unit that measures an engine’s capacity. Also known as Engine Displacement, the higher the CC, the more power the motor of a dirt bike produces. Basically, the more power the dirt bike has, the heavier it gets.

The average eight-year-old weighs about 57 pounds and is about 5’5″ tall. Therefore, large dirt bikes are not recommended based on the fact that they are too strong and advanced for their liking. If your child is a beginner, he/she can handle a 50cc dirt bike just well.

Dirt bikes with low CCs tend to incorporate safety measures such as throttle control. This feature restricts the speed at which a driver can reach and lets one control how quickly they can take off. If your kid is just a beginner, throttle limiters can be easily screwed to the bike and removed once the kid grows out of it.

4. Engine Type

Gas powered dirt bikes for kids come in two engine types – two-stroke or four-stroke. Four-stroke engines produce power every time the crankshaft makes two rotations. Meaning, the dirt bike will make the acceleration smoother while also providing more power and reducing the unnecessary start-stops as you turn the throttle.

On the other hand, two-stroke engines produce power after a single rotation of the crankshaft. This fosters a higher power to weight ratio as it can be seen when a two-stroke with 65cc can go alongside a four-stroke engine with 80 to 100cc.

For kids who have just started riding and are confident in upgrading their skills quicker, a 2-stroke engine with a low 50 – 80cc engine displacement is the best choice to go with. However, if your kid has had experience riding dirt bikes and is more into adventure riding or trail riding, a 4-stroke engine is the best fit to stay longer and consume less fuel.

5. Transmission

One might also consider going for a bike with an automatic clutch rather than a manual one. Automatic transmissions enable kids to work on understanding the basic fundamentals of having a good upright posture and figuring out how to steer and balance before moving on to other complex moves of riding.

When your kid has learnt the basic controls of navigating with an automatic bike, consider shifting to a manual transmission dirt bike. When they use a clutch, it will be easier and fun for them to play with gears. Most importantly, they won’t have to learn to use a clutch when they are mature enough to use a powerful bike.

6. Invest in Good-Quality Gear

One thing that your kids can’t go without are the best quality gear you can find. As a parent, you should be well aware of how children grow into clothes and shoes faster than you even know it. Sometimes even the cost of the bike is not as expensive as what the gear would end up costing. But because you want the best for your child, safety cannot be compromised.

The necessary dirt bike gears that kids should have are:

  • Helmets – this is one of the most important items any dirt bike riding kid should possess. Helmets are designed to protect one from severe head injuries in the event an unfortunate incident happens. Helmets should not have shelf life. They should always be replaced after a hard crash or small crash for that matter. You do not want a small crack weakening the helmet and developing into something serious. Furthermore, helmets are quite affordable and you can’t put a price on your kid.
  • Googles – Googles are the vital equipment that keep dirt out of your kid’s eyes. Made to be worn over the kid’s eyes, they come in many types but tend to be reminiscent of ski googles. Ensure that you get the best quality googles available. You don’t want to purchase cheap ones that fog up and make your kid lose sight of the road.
  • Boots – the other essential piece of equipment your kid needs are a quality pair of dirt bike gear boots. These boots are made to ensure they have an easier time on the track and improve their riding experience. Furthermore, they are made to protect one’s calves, shin region and ensure you don’t get slightly harmed even when one kick starts the bike and a small backfire causes a shockwave to the legs. Sport shoes are not the answer. Ensure your kids wears thick socks and make sure the pair of dirt bike boots you buy are slightly bigger than your kids sport shoes. Eventually, they will grow into them and you’ll have to replace them again.
  • Chest protector – this item has many categories which can be roost deflectors or protector jackets. Depending on your budget, roost protectors can be cheaper compared to full chest protectors that cover other torso body parts like the kidneys. Just like the name suggests, roost protectors are used to cover you from dirt clumps thrown at you by the rider in front of you. If you plan on taking your kid to ride trails, go with the cost effective roost protector. But if you are going on serious races, a protection jacket will do.
  • Gloves – Gloves are quite effective protective gear that can protect your kid from harm in the event of an accident and landing hands first to the ground. Gloves provide padding and allow one to ride longer before they get exhausted by the vibrations of the handle bar.

Other essential items include:

  • Knee and elbow pads
  • Jersey and pants

Pros and Cons of Gas Dirt Bikes


1. The Pleasure of Dirt Bike Sounds

Most people are fans of the traditional motorbike sound which can only be derived from gas-powered dirt bikes. Through internal combustion, the engines of gas powered dirt bikes generate pressure when heat burns a mixture of compressed air and fuel.

2. Saves Time

Unlike electric bikes which take hours to recharge, gas dirt bikes just need one to show up, fill the tank with gas in a few minutes and go.

3. Ergonomic Engines

The engines of dirt bikes are designed in a simple, ergonomic way so that one can easily work on them in case of any incidences.

4. More Powerful

While electric bikes struggle with low riding ranges and run out of battery life, gas-powered dirt bikes tend to push for a long distance and pack a lot more power. Gas-powered dirt bikes can cover a range of 100 miles per gallon which is way more distance than what most electric bikes can go for with just 31 miles on a single charge. With more power comes more speed and that is exactly why gas-powered dirt bikes are faster on the go. There are fast gas dirt bikes that can go up to 36 mph, making it easier to outshine electric bikes that can only achieve about 20mph.

5. Durability

On the track, dirt bikes have proven to be more durable as they are built to last compared to electric bikes. They are more resistant to falls such that when one crashes, nothing much happens to the dirt bike except a few scratches.


1. Illegal

The biggest let down of dirt bikes is that they are considered illegal and not suitable for riding on the streets. Even though one can still make a dirt bike legal for the roads, it will cost you more money to legalize it. And after doing so, one might realize it is not as convenient as you thought it was to be ridden on the road. If you don’t want to be limited to the field and want to enjoy the gas dirt bike on the road, you can opt to go for a dual-sport bike which is more expensive to own.

2. Expensive to Maintain

Gas-powered dirt bikes are expensive when it comes to purchasing and maintenance cost. The average cost of a pair of dirt bike tires is $500 which should be changed annually. To get insurance for your bike, you might pay up to $1000. Additionally, you require riding gear that costs an average of $400 and fuel it for an average of $300. Not mention doing repairs and replacements of parts. This includes changing the oil and air filter which almost sums up to $2600. If you can afford it, then you’re good to go. But most people might see it as another financial mountain to climb.

3. Dirt Bikes Are Noisy

If you live in a quiet residential neighborhood, gas dirt bikes may not bring good feedback from your neighbors. Even though some may like the sound, they produce so much noise from their engines and can actually be unbearable to others.

4. Messy to the Environment

Compared to electric-powered e-bikes, dirt bikes are quite messy due to the combustion of oil and gas in the engines. The exhaust fumes it produces also makes it unfriendly to environmental standards. Also, dirt bikes can cause soil erosion which increases stream sedimentation and damage vulnerable ecosystems.

5. Weather Sensitive

Just as the name suggests, dirt bikes thrive better in dry, rocky, sandy or muddy conditions. They are quite sensitive in winter conditions because the slippery surface is unsafe to be ridden on in winter conditions. In fact, these conditions tend to harm internal parts as they are very sensitive to water.

How to Choose the Best Dirt Bike for Your Kid ?

Choosing the right type and size can be quite tricky. You especially don’t want them to have something that’s too powerful or too big a size for them. The bone of contention comes in when one has to decide the best dirt bike pick and ensure the online purchase will not backfire on you.

There are a variety of dirk bike options available in the market. Here is a comprehensive guide that will help you determine the right dirt bike to buy for your kid. Before establishing this list for the best kids’ dirt bikes in 2021, we have looked at many dirt bikes and have made our findings based on age group and compiling the best dirt bikes according to their power, cost, reviews and other considerations.

The age groups will be categorized as:

  • 5-7
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14

Best Dirt Bikes for Kids Aged 5-7 Years

Dirt bikes are normally measured according to their engine size. Consequently, a bigger engine translates to a bigger bike and the higher the age group it serves. For kids who are 5-7 years old, a dirt bike with an engine capacity of 50cc works just fine for them. These bikes are smaller and lightweight and do have a lot of difficulty controlling, fitting young kids and remaining balanced.

Kids who are beginners at the early age of 5 can operate a 50cc dirt bike but may also need training wheels once they start. Keeping in mind that some kids mature earlier than others, there are some who would require constant parental control. However, at this age, they are probably excited about seeing videos of high speed car chases and stunts. Always keep them cautious about safety and remind them to have their gear on at every time.

Here are three of the best 50cc dirt bikes that are recommended for kids who are the age of 5-7:

1. Yamaha PW50

Key Features

  • Full automatic transmission
  • 50cc two-stroke engine capacity
  • Super-low seat height
  • Adjustable throttle restrictor

The Yamaha PW50 is your go-to beginner bike for those looking for a 50cc dirt bike. With a starting price of $1,699, this dirt bike is definitely a complete one for the list.

For the first time riders, the Yamaha PW50 features a controllable throttle restrictor and has a fully automatic transmission to ensure your young one has a memorable riding experience on their first dirt bike.

To say that this Yamaha PW50 is an iconic piece would be an understatement. With over 40 years of operation, so many professional dirt bike riders have recommended this bike for those who want to make it big in the sport.

The 2021 Yamaha PW50 is a nice entry-level dirt bike made for enjoyable but safe riding thanks to the throttle restrictor. This limiter enables one to control the speed while the firm chassis, unique suspension and low seat height makes the riding more comfortable and gives it seamless handling.

The all-automatic 50cc engine provides a smooth acceleration while the 2-stroke engine and shaft drive makes it even more long-lasting. Being lightweight and compact, this entry-level dirt bike for kids can be easily stored and transported at the back of a car for those family trips.

To sprout up some confidence, the low 18.7 inches of seat height makes it easier for kids to put both their feet down. This bike also features a strong front suspension that makes it travel smoother on bumps and handles quite responsively. The 2-inch rear deal shocks also make the riding experience better and delivers confidence to inspire your kid on the go.

You can’t go wrong with the 2021 Yamaha PW50. The automatic transmission incorporates a twist-and-go design into the air-cooled 50cc 2-stroke engine with handlebar brakes, a low seat and shaft drive system that all make this bike ideal for all 5-7 year olds.

2. Honda CRF50F

Key Features

  • Adjustable throttle restrictor
  • 4-stroke single-cylinder 50cc air-cooled engine
  • Ignition system
  • 3-speed automatic clutch

The 2021 Honda CRF50F is a popular 50cc dirt bike that is known to be a good choice when introducing your kid to the world of dirt bike riding. This compact machine is packed with an air-cooled 50cc, 4-stroke engine capacity featuring a reliable automatic clutch. If that wasn’t enough, the famous dirt bike comes with a low seat height to give your kid more confidence when putting his/her foot down while riding.

With great features and a perfect size to match, the 2021 Honda CRF50F is the perfect teacher you can ask for. The 4-stroke engine delivers some smooth power alongside the 3-speed automatic clutch transmission which make it easier for the rider to learn some shifting skills without stopping. For cautious parents, the Honda CRF50F has a keyed ignition and controllable throttle limiter to help you adjust the power that this machine gives off.

If you’re in the market for a reliable kid-friendly bike, then you won’t be disappointed by this Honda. For young riders out there, the CRF50F is quite unintimidating thanks to its low seat height and layout. However, this kids’ dirt bike also features shock absorbers in the rear suspension and an inverted fork to deliver the best riding performance you’d want your kid to have.

The removable key makes sure your kid doesn’t go off without the supervision of an adult. The adjustable throttle lets you set the highest speed by simply turning a screw and prevent the riders from exceeding, while also matching the power to the rider’s current skill level.

Kids always enjoy learning when their teacher is fun. This 2021 Honda CRF50F is the best teacher your 5-7 year-old can have as a dirt bike.

3. Funbikes MXR Kids Dirt Bike


  • Adult control
  • High performance 50cc engine
  • Awesome suspension

If there’s one perfect 50cc kids starter bike, it has to be the Funbikes MXR Kids Dirt Bike. The latest 2021 generation of the Funbikes MXR is quicker, torquier, efficient, easy to start and set up than before.

If the premium Japanese models don’t comply with your budget, don’t worry, this mini dirt bike serves the purpose. The 2021 Funbikes MXR Kids Dirt Bike (imported from the UK) is equipped with a robust 50cc that inspires your child’s confidence thanks to the awesome soft power delivery. Ready to take anything in its path, this kids dirt bike has got many great features to offer.

Starting with the two-stroke single cylinder engine capacity that gives a top speed of about 20 mph depending on rider weight and terrain. With a key ignition and a hard-wearing easy start pull cord mechanism, your kid will be good to go. In fact, the fully automatic gears make it easy to just rev and go.

For safety purposes, parents can control the speed of this bike by using its restrictive twist grip throttle. The handlebar mounted kill switch immediately cuts out the engine and brings the bike to a steady stop.

Funbikes MXR Kids Dirt Bike’s high-quality molded body panels come complete with vinyl decals and also have front and rear disc brakes for added stopping power. Some would prefer to have their kids start with a more casual bike option. With a perfect price to match ($416), your kids are guaranteed of reliable features like the tough Chromoly steel frame that allows a maximum rider weight of 60kg. With a floor to seat height of 61 centimeters, this bike is ideal for children with an inside leg measurement of between 21 and 24 inches.

Young riders can enjoy the sprung loaded telescopic front forks and a single rear mono-shock for a smoother ride on most terrain. For a better riding experience, they can get some tough 10-inch metal wheel rims and a fully-enclosed chain guard to ensure extra safety. The nobly air-filled motocross tires provide extra grip and better handling capability, making it suitable for use on concrete, tarmac and gentle off-road terrain such as flat grass.

Best Dirt Bikes for Kids Aged 8-10 Years

Most kids start their dirt bike riding journey at the age of 8-10. Knowing how fast kids develop, having the best seat height at this age will ensure your child’s transition is as smooth as possible. The most appropriate seat height at this age is about 18 to 26 inches. It all depends on how tall your kid is but a good seat height will always make them feel confident when touching the ground.

For 8-10 year olds, the best engine capacity to go with is 110cc. Some kids at this age group might not be able to comprehend the complex clutch system. Therefore, you might consider going for an automatic clutch transmission with smooth riding power.

Here are three of the best 110cc dirt bikes that are recommended for kids who are the age of 8-10:

1. Kawasaki KLX 110R L

Key Features

  • Four-stroke 112cc air-cooled engine
  • Good off-roader
  • Electric start

The 2021 Kawasaki KLX 110R L was modelled to be the perfect beginner dirt bike for juniors aged 8-10 years looking to keep the fun going. At just $2,349, this machine fun automobile comes with great features that work well for young beginners like your child.

Started up by an air cooled 112cc, four-stroke engine, the Kawasaki produces 7 horse power with 6 pound feet of torque. If that wasn’t enough, this high-performing dirt bike has a clutch lever located at your left hand side and is a 4-speed manual that can reach top speeds of about 45 mph. If you know your young one is a fast learner, this can be the perfect dirt bike to get them learning how to perform mature bike shifting techniques.

Boasting a seat height of 28.7 inches and higher ground clearance, this 2021 Kawasaki KLX 110R L dirt bike was built for those who have previously learned about biking with other smaller bikes.

Even though it has the same motor as its brother, the KLX 110R – which is the base spec of the two – the 2021 Kawasaki KLX 110R L is more advanced and is more appealing to experienced off-road riders.

2. 2021 Honda CRF110F

Key Features

  • Controllable throttle limiter
  • Key ignition electric starter
  • 109cc air-cooled, four-stroke engine

Introducing the 2021 Honda CRF110F which is the ultimate rider-friendly kids’ dirt bike in the market right now. If your kid is looking to try two wheels without sophisticated clutch levers, this can be a perfect way to start.

With a long-lasting bodywork, this dirt bike is ready to tear the road with its robust 109cc engine. This fuel-injected engine comes with a throttle limiter to help set the best speed for new beginners. At $2,499, the 2021 Honda CRF110F has a reliable single cylinder 4-stroke engine that provides a good performance range that can be used on the long-term as the rider improves their skill.

New riders don’t have to worry about stalling again as this dirt bike has no clutch lever to master. The automatic clutch offers smooth transitions and all you have to do is use your foot to shift.

For convenience, this dirt bike features a push-and-go button to get you right on the way. There will also be no frustrations for your kid if they mistakenly stop the engine. With a keyed ignition system, you will get to decide who rides the bike and when as the responsible parent you are.

Sometimes riders tend to get too excited and might naturally spill off the bike. However, the CRF110F comes with durable plastic fenders and a protective body kit reminiscent of what professional motocross riders on the CRF. Same as what the pros use, this 2021 Honda CRF110F has some upgraded waffle-like grip patterns for the young riders to boast about.

3. Yamaha TT-R110E

Key Features

  • Classic Yamaha 4-stroke engine
  • Fancy body
  • Drum brakes

For young riders looking to upgrade from 50cc bikes and start getting near the pro scene, the 2021 Yamaha TT-R110E is the perfect one you need. Offering a stylish look and great performance, this Yamaha dirt bike lives up to its standard and is great for 8-10 year olds looking to take it to the next serious level.

Inspired by the good looks of the Yamaha YZ bikes, this TT-R110E also offers one of the best levels of comfort that young riders can find out there. With a low seat height and adjustable power levels, you can be guaranteed that the young riders will not be intimidated by this Yamaha machine. Besides, the chassis and suspension will not send young riders way too high on bumps but they are still firm and good performing parts.

The 2021 Yamaha TT-R110E was not designed to be a racer but at times it can also be used to train young kids for competitions and fun. One great thing about this dirt bike is the absence of a clutch. Your kid does not have to get bothered about learning professional techniques. They can indeed look like a pro rider on this Yamaha, but the automatic gearbox makes it easier for them to operate and improve its appeal.

This 2021 Yamaha TT-R110E 110cc is suitable only for young riders. Experienced adult riders can damage the suspension or chassis. With a tough engine, this Yamaha can survive a lot of hits but they should always undergo regular maintenance. If left with dirty oil or marks for long periods of time, the rings will wear, produce smoke or make a lot of noises.

Best Dirt Bikes for Kids Aged 10-12 Years

As a parent wondering which dirt bike to purchase for your 10, 11 or 12 year-old can be a bit tricky sometimes. At this age, your child must already have developed enough to want a new hobby and it’s probably pressuring you to deliver and not disappoint. Your child should now be able to jump with their dirt bike or perform a few basic tricks. They are going to want more and we are here to help you figure that out.

The ideal gas dirt bike for 10-12 year olds should range in the power of 90-150cc. Kids at this age average at a height of 143cm with a suitable seat height of about 26-31 inches. It doesn’t matter if your kid has just started learning to ride the dirt bike at this age. Don’t deny them the opportunity because they learn really quickly with some training here and there.

Here are three of the best dirt bikes recommended for kids who are the age of 10-12:

1. Taotao DB14 110cc

Key Features

  • 110cc four stroke air cooled single cylinder
  • CDI ignition
  • Hand shift gear
  • Semi-automatic

Introducing the 2021 Taotao DB14 kids dirt bike which is a perfect option for riders aged 10-12 years. Featuring an air cooled four-stroke 110cc Honda Four-Trax style engine, this mid-size bike comes with an automatic transmission to help kids familiarize themselves with shifting skills without having to panic about using a hand clutch. Young drivers will get accustomed to the idea of shifting and it will teach them timing and how to use the hand clutch.

Designed for those who want a dirt bike that is between the small models and full-size 250cc dirt bikes, this dirt bike is one to look out for parents with kids who are just about to hit their teenage years.

Featuring a seat height of about 28 inches, the 2021 Taotao DB14 is unintimidating as it gives the kid confidence when they can easily step on the ground. The dirt bike is supported by a 14-inch tire at the front and a 12-inch tire at the rear. It also comes with solid front and rear disc brakes that enhance its stopping power and ensure riders of a smooth ride courtesy of its adaptable rear mono-shocks and compact front forks.

Even though the 110cc engine is the same size as the other DB20, this powerful motor has plenty of power to even pull adult riders on any type of terrain at 30mph. However, the throttle limiter can guarantee worried parents to control the power and easily navigate the dirt bike down to a safer maximum speed as low as 5mph.

Coming at a family-affordable price, this bike has an easy-to-use kick start and with improved suspension and front and back disc brakes to guarantee good value for money. The 2021 Taotao DB14 kids dirt bike is quite efficient and simple to operate and control.

2. KTM 85 SX SW

Key Features

  • 2-stroke 85 cc compact engine
  • Engine covers
  • Strong Clutch
  • six-speed gearbox

The new 2021 KTM 85 SX SW boasts a new state of the art engine developed by KTM. It comes combined with high-end WP suspension and a super lightweight ragged chassis to make up the perfect overall package.

If you want a bike that would impress your 12-year old on his birthday, the KTM 85 SX SW is the one to go for. It comes with an extremely compact engine made to a precise six-speed transmission.

This dirt bike is an absolute knockout delivering fast rate power and torque over the whole rev range. The cylinder was made with a creative, adjustable power valve complex that boosts torque and maneuverability. The crank shaft is light and offers exact inertia to reach the highest torque.

Advanced balancing decreases vibration so that your kid can ride fatigue free. The clutch is made up of a diaphragm spring which makes it more solid and offers better performance than the standard design of a coil spring.

The frame is a genuine high-tech product made for maximum performance made of unique steel made for increased comfort. This bike also comes with WP 43mm front forks with a unique air-spring-like design that makes it adjustable to be used on any track no matter the conditions.

3. Yamaha TT-R125LWE

Key Features

  • 125cc engine
  • Impressive stopping power
  • Wide diameter wheels

Yamaha is well known for having beginner riders for kids. Driven by a 125cc four-stroke engine, the TT-R125LWE provides some smooth power for a great off-road riding experience. With an air-cooled engine, this powerful engine is quite easy to maintain even with the manual clutch and five-speed gearbox. Your young kid will be pleased with the two pedals which teach a rider how to use a professional dirt bike.

Coming with a rigid steel frame and strong suspension, one can easily see how capable this dirt bike is. The strong front forks provide an impressive 180mm revolution while the rear suspension gives 169 mm of revolution. This makes the 2021 Yamaha TT-R125LWE easy to handle even on tough terrain.

You won’t fail to notice the fancy bodywork on this dirt bike which was inspired by the winning YZ bikes. It was made with polypropylene to give it a lightweight yet very strong components, accompanied by side and tank panels to handle tough situations.

To tame down the cheerful performance of the Yamaha, the bike has a reliable 220 mm disc brake at the front that enables the young rider to slow down with less effort.

Best Dirt Bikes for Kids Aged 12-14 Years

At the 12-14 age group, young riders should be dealing with dirt bikes that have way better quality, torque, power, stability and endurance. This is when the kid has just got to their teenage years and are extremely mature enough to progress from a hobby to a real competition. Dirt bikes in this age group should range with engine capacities of 100cc onwards.

Here are three of the best dirt bikes recommended for kids who are the age of 12-14:

1. Honda CRF230F

Key features

  • 6-speed gearbox
  • CD ignition
  • 223cc 4-stroke engine

The Honda CRF230F is arguably one of the most popular dirt bikes in the world today. Suitable for a 14 year old or the average teenager, the seat height comes in at 35 inches with a height of 46 inches and 32 inches for the width.

This dirt bike can fill a 1.8-gallon fuel capacity that comes with a powerful single cylinder, air-cooled 223cc four stroke that can change to six transmissions to give that real life pro motocross experience while riding.

It weighs 248 pounds but is perfect enough for the rider considering he/she is just a teenager who is always super active. The design of the 2021 Honda CRF230F is quite impressive to the eyes. At an affordable price of $4,000, this bike is quite strong and has high-quality steel that protects the bike itself from unnecessary damages.



  • Light engine
  • Light rims
  • Strong brakes

Introducing the $3349 DR-Z125L – a perfect gift for the young riders who want to take on the dirt. Featuring huge 16-inch back tires and 19-inch front tire, alongside a strong disc brake at the front, this dirt bike delivers great performance that can be mistaken for a professional motocross bike.

Designed to look like Suzuki’s RM-Z winners and RMX models, you will notice the race-like features. If that wasn’t enough, this bike also feels like the real deal with the sharp handling abilities and robust low-end power that lets the young rider get up and cruise. The bike’s looks are to die for and it is also filled with load of great features.

Built with a reliable 124cc engine, you can be assured that this dirt bike will deliver the punch and excitement it is expected to. The light aluminum rims reduce the weight significantly and contribute to great handling and smooth performance on any track

3. KTM 150 SX


  • 150cc engine
  • Delivers over 40 horsepower
  • 6-speed manual

Introducing the 2021 KTM 150 SX which is the closest thing to a real life supercross bike. With a unique chromoly alloy of steel, KTM did a great job at maintaining the weight of this KTM 150 SX. This gives the bike extra power derived from the air-cooled 150cc engine which powers it to speeds that can be attained by a 250cc class competition bike. However, it moves agile with great handling like that of a 125cc dirt bike. This is definitely one to impress.